Taking the food sensitivity test was the best decision I ever made

Rated 5 out of 5
May 19, 2018

Basically I suffered from a whole batch of issues… it was so painful. Thanks to innerhealth4you.com I got rid of my bloated feelings, skin issues, anxiety, brain fog and more…


Confirmation at last

Rated 4 out of 5
March 10, 2018

Thank you. This confirms why I haven’t been able to lose weight no matter what I do. I ingest these things daily. Major diet change… as when I had leaky gut 18 years ago garlic, dairy, caffeine, and gluten were a problem then. I know what to do, and thanks for being so prompt. I’ve recommended your services to others.


I feel a lot better

Rated 5 out of 5
February 2, 2018

The kit was easy to use and the extensive report was also easy to read through. I know a lot more about my body response now and are eliminating a few products that showed up on my test results. It’s sometimes hard to change your diet, but I do feel a lot better after a week already!


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  • 1 x Hair Test on 1069 items
  • 1 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! 5 Actionable E-Books
  • FREE! App to make better food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • No Test-kit shipped/required (See Details)

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  • 2 x Hair Test on 1069 items
  • 2 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! 5 Actionable E-Books
  • FREE! App to make better food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • No Test-kit shipped/required (See Details)

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  • 4 x Hair Test on 1069 items
  • 4 x Saliva Test on 1069 items
  • Accurate Report of 65 pages
  • Qualified Nutritionist Support
  • FREE! 5 Actionable E-Books
  • FREE! App to make better food choices
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee
  • No Test-kit shipped/required (See Details)

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Head Nutritionist / Customer Service


75 years young
— Fitness Expert & Senior Nutritionist
— Founder of The Food Intolerance Testing Group


Each Report is reviewed by our physician Eve

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We are here to help you with any of your questions or concerns, we have a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions page that covers typical questions we have got or contact us and we will get back at you as soon as possible.

Questions or concerns?

We are here to help you with any of your questions or concerns, we have a dedicated Frequently Asked Questions page that covers typical questions we have got or contact us and we will get back at you as soon as possible.


Head Nutritionist / Customer Service


75 years young
— Fitness Expert & Senior Nutritionist
— Founder of The Food Sensitivity Testing Group


Each Report is reviewed by our physician Eve

Highly Acclaimed Documentation Included For Free

Boost Your Metabolism
Cut Out Weight System
Down With Cholesterol
Healthy Christmas Cooking Pleasure
Allergy Relief Source Book