We are happy to help, you might find all your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions?

Here you will find the most commons questions we are asked by our customers.

If you don’t see your question here please do contact us, our nutritionists are happy to help you with any of your concerns or questions.

No Results Yet?

Depending on your email provider, sometimes reports end up in the spam folder. Have you checked your spam/junk folder?

Please look for:
Subject line: Intolerance Test Results
Sender: Global Health Testing

Please double-check your spam/junk folder.

Read The FAQ

Contact form not working?

When the contact form is not working for you please email us directly at: info@innerhealth4you.com

KVK: 69426325
VAT: NL001197377B89

Send us an email

Who To Contact:
Bjorn: Bjorn can help you with answering any question prior to purchasing your test kit.
Narisa: Narissa can help you with advice on our tests.
Adriaan: Adriaan can help you regarding your test results.
Technical Support: Examples: You did not receive your order email, You are unable to log in to the website. You have difficulties during checkout ...